To participate:
- You must post the rules.
- Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you’ve tagged.
- Tag eleven people and link to them on your post.
- Let them know you’ve tagged them!
Marita A. Hansen
Here Are My Answers. (copy & paste)
1. What is the one thing you would never give up for the sake of a good book?
Books aren't that great. I love them, but they are only a substitute for the real thing. As an author I guess that's a bad answer. Instead, I should be saying that you'd give up everything to read my book. Your home, your pay packet, even your pet... hell, those kids are annoying, I bet at times you want to give them up too. (You do know I'm joking, right, because there are some really dumb people out there that need things s-p-e-l-t out).
2. What is the book that had the biggest impact on you during your life?
The one that I should have read about the birds and the bees, but didn't.
3. If you are not an author, what would your preferred genre be if you should write, if you are an author what other genre would you date tackle?
I'm an author and my preferred genre is realistic fiction as seen in my book Behind the Hood . I am also tackling Edgy YA with Graffiti Heaven, which is a spin off from Behind the Hood. Graffiti Heaven is due out in August of this year, while Behind the Hood is available on Amazon.
4. What is it about reading that you love the most?
Being transported to a different time and place and into the minds of people that you would normally not know about.
5. What is it about reading that you hate the most?
Too many books and not enough time.
6. Who is your favourite main stream author?
I have two: Melvin Burgess and J. R. Ward.
7. Who is your favourite indie author?
Not going to admit that as they write naughty books ;)
8. If you could design the ultimate bookcase, what would it look like?
One of those old-fashioned bookcases that would line the whole study from floor to ceiling and have a roll along ladder to reach the higher shelves. It would also have a secret panel so that you can open it and go through a tunnel. I'm thinking big here!
9. Should you ever be given a chance to write what ever you want and have it be a guaranteed international overnight success, what would the basic story include?
Everything already in my book Behind the Hood! I've already done the work so I might as well get paid for it.
10. Should you ever be without a book, what would you read instead?
A magazine, I guess.
So, here are my questions for you to answer:
1) Are you a reader, writer, blogger or all three?
2) What type of genre do you prefer to read and/or write about?
3) Who is your favourite author and why?
4) If you're a reader what is your favourite book? And if you're a writer what book or books have you written?
5) Are you on any reviewing sites like Goodreads? If so, what are the links to your home page?
6) Do you prefer to read ebooks or paperbacks?
7) What is your favourite activity apart from reading?
8) If you were stranded on an island and you only had one book to take, what would it be?
9) What do you love the most about books?
10) Are there any books that have left an impression upon you?
11) What was your favourite book as a child (can include your teenage years)?
Tag your it
Ok, so if I did this right it should now be a case of Tag You're IT.
1) Are you a reader, writer, blogger or all three?
ReplyDeleteAll three. I wouldn't know how to just pick one. LOL
2) What type of genre do you prefer to read and/or write about?
I write paranormal romance because that's what interests me. I read a little bit of everything besides inspirational romance. Nothing personal, it's just not my thing. I really enjoy a good horror novel.
3) Who is your favourite author and why?
I know this is probably a bad answer, but I really don't have a favorite author. I normally just say J.K. Rowling because I do love Harry Potter. :)
4) If you're a reader what is your favourite book? And if you're a writer what book or books have you written?
I've had 16 books published, not including short stories and novellas. It might be easier to just direct everyone to my website.
My latest book is Frank and The Werewolf Tamer. It's available in print and ebook at Amazon.
Next month, book one in my Werewolf Hunter Series is being re-released. So, that should be exciting.
5) Are you on any reviewing sites like Goodreads? If so, what are the links to your home page?
I am on Goodreads, but I rarely go there. Sorry, just being honest. I've observed the cruelest people/reviewers on Goodreads compared to anywhere else on the internet.
6) Do you prefer to read ebooks or paperbacks?
I still prefer paperbacks.
7) What is your favourite activity apart from reading?
I love to garden. I'm also into kickboxing, but have been out of practice for a few months.
8) If you were stranded on an island and you only had one book to take, what would it be?
Harry Potter (book one). I could read it over and over.
9) What do you love the most about books?
I enjoy a good escape that stretches my imagination.
10) Are there any books that have left an impression upon you?
Dracula, Lord of The Rings Trilogy, and The Phantom of The Opera.
11) What was your favourite book as a child (can include your teenage years
I've always read a lot, so picking a favorite is difficult. When I was little (really little) I loved for my Daddy to read me this book called The Little Red Car. It was so funny.